The New Nazism

by James F. Kearful

In September, 1959, the New York City police swooped down on Central Park West in one of the most despicable and irresponsible hate campaigns of recent times. Within a year virtually every gay bar in New York was closed through revocation of liquor licenses; police raids on Central Park and other areas were continued; and the West Side Y.M.C.A. had "cleaned house," using tactics fully as foul and rotten as those used by individuals and groups which do not pretend to any virtue.

Here are the facts, as we, the people of New York, saw them: summer came early in 1959 and lasted long. It was very hot. Practically everyone spent as much time out of doors as possible in order to avoid the stifling heat of apartment houses. These "sit-outs" frequently continued far into the night, the people sitting on public benches, on door-steps, and on windowsills looking for the evening breezes which somehow never came. With the many nights of idleness came a certain restlessness. And